Hi i am creating an application that executes the method of a class based on a cron expression. For that i am using spring quartz in which i have to configure all these stuffs in my spring-file it works fine and jobs are executing based on the cron expression, But now i want to suspend the next execution of particular job in java class based on the choice of a user from UI. Then is there any way to do this ??
can i get the details of all running job it the context ? if so then i can filter the jobs and try to suspend that job for next execution.
I got it work by use of following code
stdScheduler is a scheduleFactoryBean
String groupnames[] = stdScheduler.getJobGroupNames();
for (String groupName : groupnames) {
String[] jobNames = stdScheduler.getJobNames(groupName);
for (String jobName : jobNames) {
if (jobName.equals("jobName")) {
stdScheduler.pauseJob(jobName, groupName);