I'm coming from C# development and just started to learn Objective-C and Xcode 4. As far as I understand "@synthesize" is replacing getter/setter methods for properties if you don't need to check/control the values which are being read or written.
But why does Xcode 4 create a instance variable for me automatically?
Wouldn't this be enough:
@synthesize myProperty;
instead of:
@synthesize myProperty = _myProperty;
Why would I want to use/have the instance variable instead of the actual property if I don't have/need any getters or setters?
Thanks in advance!
I understand that @synthesize is replacing getters/setters but what is this part good for: = _myProperty;
Why would I want to have a instance variable if I could use "myProperty" directly? I would understand using "_myProperty" if the setter for example would check for a condition of the value. If I then want to skip this check I would use _myProperty. But as I use @synthesize I don't have a setter in place that does some check. So why do I have/want an instance variable then?
See the comments in MattyG's post!
This is a convention used to remind the programmer to access the instance variables through the setters and getters with self. So if you're using:
@synthesize myProperty = _myProperty;
Then to access the variable directly you must write:
_myProperty = something;
To access the variable through it's setter you must write:
self.myProperty = something;
The benefit is that if you forget to access through self. then the compiler will warn you:
myProperty = something; //this won't compile
See this also this Question.