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Escaping variables in an array and assigning escaped values to original variables value dynamically

I normally just use mysql_real_escape_string on every variable before inserting to my database, so for example:

    $first_name = mysql_real_escape_string($first_name); // Bill
    $last_name  = mysql_real_escape_string($last_name);  // O'Rielly
    $email      = mysql_real_escape_string($email);      // [email protected]

    $insert = mysql_query("
                  INSERT INTO `users` (first_name, last_name, email)
                  VALUES ('$first_name', '$last_name', '$email')
              ") or die(mysql_error());

But on some forms I could have possibly 20 different variables I want to escape, so I was hoping there was a way I could use an array, run it through a function to escape each one. Then make the original variables ($first_name, $last_name, $email) have the value of the escaped string from the array. I came up with the following, but this is as far as I have gotten.

    $form_array = array($first_name, $last_name, $email);

    echo("<br />".$last_name."<br />");

    function cleanInput($array) {
        return array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $array);

    $clean_array = cleanInput($form_array); 

    echo("<br />".$clean_array[1]."<br />");

Which outputs the following:

    Array ( [0] => Bill [1] => O'Rielly [2] => [email protected] ) 
    Array ( [0] => Bill [1] => O\'Rielly [2] => [email protected] ) 

So, we can see that it's escaping properly, but I'm stumped with the whole making $first_name have the value of $clean_array[0], $last_name have the value of $clean_array[1] etc.

I know of course I could just write:

    $first_name = $clean_array[0];
    $last_name = $clean_array[1];

But it kinda makes it pointless of having this array/function there at all since I might as well just escape each variable/string separately how I always have done. So I was hoping there was a way I could do some sort of loop in the function to do this dynamically depending on what's in the array.

Because then when it comes to doing validation in the future I can just

  • Assign all $_POST data to variables
  • Put them variables in an array
  • Run the array through the function and all original $_POST variables now have the escaped value from the function
  • Use the insert method mentioned at the start using the original names of the variables $first_name, $last_name etc.

Rather then:

    $insert = mysql_query("
                  INSERT INTO `users` (first_name, last_name, email)
                  VALUES ('$clean_array[0]', '$clean_array[1]', '$clean_array[2]')
              ") or die(mysql_error());

Is this possible?


From hakre's post about the compact and extract functions, I've now come up with the following:

    $array = compact(array("first_name", "last_name", "email"));
    echo("<strong>Before:</strong><br />First Name: ".$first_name."<br />Last Name: ".$last_name."<br />Email: ".$email."<br /><br />");

    extract(array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    echo("<strong>After:</strong><br />First Name: ".$first_name."<br />Last Name: ".$last_name."<br />Email: ".$email."");

Which outputs the following details how I would like them:


First Name: Bill

Last Name: O'Rielly

Email: [email protected]


First Name: Bill

Last Name: O\'Rielly

Email: [email protected]

I've tried putting extract into a function but it doesn't work the same?

    function cleanInput($array) {

        $clean_array = extract(array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
        return $clean_array;


    $array = compact(array("first_name", "last_name", "email"));
    echo("<strong>Before:</strong><br />First Name: ".$first_name."<br />Last Name: ".$last_name."<br />Email: ".$email."<br /><br />");

    echo("<strong>After:</strong><br />First Name: ".$first_name."<br />Last Name: ".$last_name."<br />Email: ".$email."");

I'm sure I have to return the extract function, but I've tried a few different things and it's either not giving any output or $last_name is just printing the unescaped value.


  • You might be interested in compact and extract. Both allow you to handle variables as an array. Array is comfortable, because your can repeat the single action onto all values.


    $vars = array('first_name', 'last_name', 'email');
    $first_name = $last_name = $email = 'just some init value';
    $array = compact($vars);
    foreach($array as &$value)
        $value = str_shuffle($value);
    printf("First: %s; Last: %s; Email: %s", $first_name, $last_name, $email); 


    First:  sjivus enta metluoi; Last: i evounes tliuat smj; Email: tleetnumav siuijo s