This is part of a bigger code, I keep getting the parse error ::: if I create the if function outside of the $return & reference it with a session it works but this is not "good" coding :::how can I resolve this nagging issue or better construct my return value? ::: Any help greatly appreciated :::
$return = '';
$return .='<div id="viewport">'. "\n";
$return .= $ic . "\n";
$return .='<div id="' . $wallID . '"></div>'. "\n";
$return .='</div>'. "\n";
$return .= if( isset($coda) )'<div id="coda' . $wallID . '"></div>';. "\n";
$return .='</div>'. "\n";
$return .='<div class="clearfix"></div>'. "\n";
return $return;
Use a ternary operator instead of the misused if block:
$return .= isset($coda) ? "<div id='coda{$wallID}'></div>\n" : '';
or a more readable if block as @Mat sugested