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Gnuplot - EPS terminal producing extra characters

I have gnuplot file that is outputting quite nicely in EPS but I'm suffering some issues when it comes to the labels. For some reason, a random figure (') is being inserted before the each label. This isn't being produced in a PNG export.

Example gnuplot error picture

The gnuplot file is below

set term postscript eps enhanced 
set datafile separator ","
set datafile missing "NULL"
set decimal locale
set output 'Average_Costs_Plotted.eps'
set grid
set key left
set ytics nomirror
set xtics nomirror
set format y "£%'.0f"
set ylabel "Total Loss Estimate \n Based on Average Cost Per m^2"
set xlabel "Area Damaged m^2"
plot "Average_Costs_Upto_10000mSQM.csv" using 1:2 axis x1y1 title 'Industrial Processing' w l lw 2


  • Well that'll teach me to RTFM.

    Postscript doesn't support unicode as mentioned above - however there are octal codes for symbols to insert them.

    The £ is input by using the code \243