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How to add rows into middle of a TableLayoutPanel

I have a TableLayoutPanel with 3 columns and 1 row: (Remove button, User Control, Add button)

I want the Add button to add a new row similar to the above below the clicked button: e.g: BEFORE:

  1. (Remove button 1, User Control 2, Add button 1)
  2. (Remove button 2, User Control 2, Add button 2)

After clicking"Add button 1":

  1. (Remove button 1, User Control 2, Add button 1)
  2. (Remove button 3, User Control 3, Add button 3)
  3. (Remove button 2, User Control 2, Add button 2)

I managed to add the row to the end of the tablelayoupanel but not to the middle: It keeps screwing up the layout. Here's a snippet of the event handler:

void MySecondControl::buttonAdd_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
   int rowIndex = 1 + this->tableLayoutPanel->GetRow((Control^)sender);

   /* Remove button */
   Button^ buttonRemove = gcnew Button();
   buttonRemove->Text = "Remove";
   buttonRemove->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &MySecondControl::buttonRemove_Click);

   /* Add button */
   Button^ buttonAdd = gcnew Button();
   buttonAdd->Text = "Add";
   buttonAdd->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &MySecondControl::buttonAdd_Click);

   /*Custom user control */
   MyControl^ myControl = gcnew MyControl();

   /* Add the controls to the Panel. */
   this->tableLayoutPanel->RowCount += 1;
   this->tableLayoutPanel->Controls->Add(buttonRemove, 0, rowIndex);
   this->tableLayoutPanel->Controls->Add(myControl, 1, rowIndex);
   this->tableLayoutPanel->Controls->Add(buttonAdd, 2, rowIndex);

This doesn't work properly.

Am I doing something wrong? any suggestions?


  • Finally found a solution: Instead of adding the controls to thier direct location, I'm adding them to the end and then use the SetChildIndex() function to move the control to the desired location:

    void MySecondControl::buttonAdd_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
       int childIndex = 1 + this->tableLayoutPanel->Controls->GetChildIndex((Control^)sender);
       /* Remove button */
       Button^ buttonRemove = gcnew Button();
       buttonRemove->Text = "Remove";
       buttonRemove->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &MySecondControl::buttonRemove_Click);
       /* Add button */
       Button^ buttonAdd = gcnew Button();
       buttonAdd->Text = "Add";
       buttonAdd->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &MySecondControl::buttonAdd_Click);
       /*Custom user control */
       MyControl^ myControl = gcnew MyControl();
       /* Add the controls to the Panel. */
       /* Move the controls to the desired location */
       this->tableLayoutPanel->Controls->SetChildIndex(buttonRemove, childIndex);
       this->tableLayoutPanel->Controls->SetChildIndex(myControl, childIndex + 1);
       this->tableLayoutPanel->Controls->SetChildIndex(buttonAdd, childIndex + 2);