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universal app with localization - splash screen

I have a universal app with some localization. My problem is about splash screens.

I need 6 splash screens. iPad, iPhone, iPhoneRetina (in English) and iPad, iPhone, iPhoneRetina (in Local Lang)

I have a file for iPad English Splash, named "Default.png". When I select this file on project navigator, I can add localized version by clicking "+" sign. As a result I have 2 files: Default.png (English) and Default.png (Local Lang) So far eveything is ok.

But when I try to add "Default~iphone.png" file to the project, it doesn't get localized. XCode crashes when I click on the "+" sign.

What is the proper way of adding 6 (3 devices x 2 languages) splash screens to the project ?


  • If you want to add them without XCode crash, you can use that trick :

    Close your project. Go into your project folder into the Finder, create (if they are not already there) yourself the en.lproj, es.lproj, ... folders needed at the right place, and put your localized images inside them.

    Then open your project, go to the project info panel, remove all possible localizations (keeping the files when asked), then add those localizations back (still in the project properties).

    Then they will be shown like a charm in the file explorer tree.