I am building a small app which has classes User, Student, Tutor, Meeting.
Each user can be tutor in one Meeting, but student in another meeting. I have been thinking about how to model these relationship.
Right now, I have a User model, a separate Participant model with an attribute Role = "tutor"/"student". Tutor and Student extend Participant using single-table inheritance, and belong to Meeting.
However, I wonder if this is a good design. (It seems to be unintuitive to me).
What would you do in my situation?
Thank you.
It is acceptable but there are other ways that are cleaner. You could design you Meeting
model like this:
has_and_belongs_to_many :users, :as => :studens
belongs_to :tutor, :foreign_key => 'tutor_id', :class_name => 'User'
Your User
has_and_belongs_to_many :meetings, :as => :meetings_taken
has_many :meetings_given, :foreign_key => 'tutor_id', :class_name => 'Meeting'
So you would only need two models.
// edit
For propose, accept, decline,.. I would create a Invitation
Model user_id:integer
(Invited User), meeting_id
(Through this you know who is allowed to invite other people because Meeting belongs to the tutor), status:string
(waiting, accepted, delicesed might be options) maybe explaination:text
(When somebody delices).