I am inserting values into table people, suppose if I enter 1,Ram,22,98; 1,Kri,22,83; 1,Sam,23,47;
While getting it back the the cursor is starting from 1,Sam,23,47; 1,Kri,22,83;
1,Ram,22,98; I am not able to figure out the error. any sort of help is welcome!
Create table People(id integer ,Name text,Age int,pplid primary key not null);
INSERT INTO People(id,Name,Age, pplid) VALUES (?,?,?,?);
_statement = _dbTopNews.createStatement("Select * from People where id = 10;");
Cursor _cursor = _statement.getCursor();
Row _row;
_vecTopNews = new Vector();
_custObj = new CustomObj();
_row = _cursor.getRow();
_id = _row.getString(0);
_name = _row.getString(1);
_age = _row.getString(2);
_pplid = _row.getString(3);
_custObj.setID(_id );
_custObj.setName(_name );
_custObj.setAge(_age );
_custObj.setPplId(_pplid );
_vec = new Vector();
You should use id as index column, unique value for example 1,Ram,22,98; 2,Kri,22,83; 3,Sam,23,47 and then the sql statement will be "Select * from People where id = 10 ORDER by id;"