I have these models:
class Projects(models.Model):
projectName =models.CharField(max_length = 100,unique=True,db_index=True)
projectManager = EmbeddedModelField('Users')
class Teams(models.Model):
teamType = models.CharField(max_length =100)
teamLeader = EmbeddedModelField('Users')
teamProject = EmbeddedModelField('Projects')
class Users(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length = 100,unique=True)
designation = models.CharField(max_length =100 )
teams = ListField(EmbeddedModelField('Teams'))
I need to return JSON from my view for all Projects objects which further has relations with Users and Teams.My views.py has this code
from django.core import serializers
data = serializers.serialize('json', Projects.objects.all())
This output JSON only for project object and doesnot return JSON for USer object like this
[{"pk": "4eb3b7d0e814520db4000000", "model": "RESTAPI.projects", "fields": {"projectName": "HELLO", "projectManager": "Users object"}}]
How do I convert the User object into JSON as well ?
I've hit this problem some time ago, and I created a snippet to help me out:
def get_values(instance, go_into={}, exclude=(), extra=()):
Transforms a django model instance into an object that can be used for
serialization. Also transforms datetimes into timestamps.
@param instance(django.db.models.Model) - the model in question
@param go_into - relations with other models that need expanding
@param exclude - fields that will be ignored
@param extra - additional functions/properties which are not fields
{'user': {'go_into': ('clan',),
'exclude': ('crest_blob',),
'extra': ('get_crest_path',)}},
So you could use something like this:
go_into={'projectManager': {'go_into': 'teams'}}))
disclaimer: I made the script for my own purposes; it may not be perfect, it may require further modifications to fit your own needs.