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Haskell - Prime Powers Excercise - Infinite merges

At university my task is the following :

define the following function:

primepowers :: Integer -> [Integer]

that calculates the infinite list of the first n powers of the prime numbers for a given parameter n, sorted asc. That is, primepowers n contains in ascending order the elements of

{p^i | p is prime, 1≤i≤n}.

After working on this task I came to a dead end. I have the following four functions:

merge :: Ord t => [t] -> [t] -> [t]
merge [] b = b
merge a [] = a
merge (a:ax) (b:bx)
  | a <= b    = a : merge ax (b:bx)
  | otherwise = b : merge (a:ax) bx

primes :: [Integer] 
primes = sieve [2..]
    where sieve [] = []
          sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve (filter (not . multipleOf p) xs)
            where multipleOf p x = x `mod` p == 0   

powers :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] 
powers n num = map (\a -> num ^ a) [1..n]

primepowers :: Integer -> [Integer]
primepowers n = foldr merge [] (map (powers n) primes)

I think that they work independently, as I have tested with some sample inputs. merge merges two ordered lists to one ordered list primes returns infinite list of prime numbers powers calculates n powers of num (that is num^1 , num^2 ... num^n)

I try to merge everything in primepowers, but functions are not evaluated nothing happens respectively theres some kind of infinite loop.

I am not interested in optimization of primes or powers. Just I don't understand why that does not work. Or is my approach not good, not functional, not haskell?


  • I suspect the problem is: primes is an infinite list. Therefore, map (powers n) primes is an infinite list of (finite) lists. When you try to foldr merge [] them all together, merge must evaluate the head of each list...

    Since there are an infinite number of lists, this is an infinite loop.

    I would suggest transposing the structure, something like:

    primepowers n = foldr merge [] [map (^i) primes | i <- [1..n]]