I recently installed Apache w/s + Tomcat and using jk was able to route requests from apache to t/c. The examples on the net are usually of the form:
JkMount /*.jsp myTC
We have several Java EE applications running on a single instance of tomcat (then why use apache? believe me i have reasons). I figured we could change the context for each of those applications to something like:
and then have something like:
JkMount /servlet/* myTC
This would route the requests to tomcat correctly, however, the question remains how to serve static resources for a standard Java EE application:
The questions are:
How to serve resources/ folder from apache? all the applications have their own resources/ folder. I figure resources/ will have to reside 'out' of the war and on apache's doc-root somewhere, but can't figure out the JkMount string.
Is the /servlet/ scheme the 'correct' way to do it? are there patterns I should follow?
I'll appreciate any help, any pointers to resources on the net would be great as I need to read a lot more about this.
(1) The following should be enough:
JkMount /* myTC
JkUnMount /resources/* myTC
(2) It's OK. There are many correct solutions. I personally don't like /servlet/ in the URL. It's garbage, especially in this age where URLs are an asset of a website/webapp. I use this scheme:
JkMount /* myTC
JkUnMount /*.css myTC
JkUnMount /*.ico myTC
JkUnMount /*.jpg myTC
JkUnMount /*.js myTC
JkUnMount /*.png myTC
JkUnMount /*.xml myTC
JkUnMount /*.zip myTC