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Enforcing source control

How do I set some group policy rule or mechanism to make sure that every developer commits their code to the source control?

I use visualsvn server with Ankhsvn client btw.



  • Our basic policy is "If it's not in the source code repository it doesn't exist."

    • Developers only get to mark tasks as "development completed" when they check in the code.
    • Build your deliverable(s) only from a tagged set of source code (not some joker's workstation copy.)
    • NOTHING that's not in source control goes into QA or Production.

    Checking in broken code is considered bad form but is not punished (outside a little ribbing from those inconvenienced.)

    I'd like to use continuous integration and configure broken builds to automatically back out the broken changes but I don't expect to be able to any time soon where I'm at.

    Edit: We also require artifact numbers in the comment for each checkin. This prevents gratuitous changes that are unassociated with a requirement.