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Blocks and Objects in Objective-C

I've started learning how to use blocks/functions/lambda in Objective-C. But I can't get it to work with Objects. Probably I'm missing some pointer, but it's not working however I do. This is my code for the moment:

MyEventArgs (^skapaEventArg)(Operation); 
skapaEventArg = ^(Operation a) { return *[[MyEventArgs alloc] initWithOperation:a]; };
MyEventArgs *a = skapaEventArg(Add);

But I get the error that this pic shows:

If I do

MyEventArgs a = skapaEventArg(Add);

to put it on the stack, Xcode gives me the usual "Interface cannot be statically allocated"-error

How do I get this simple code to work, using blocks?


  • It should be:

    MyEventArgs *(^skapaEventArg)(Operation); 
    skapaEventArg = ^(Operation a) { return [[MyEventArgs alloc] initWithOperation:a]; };
    MyEventArgs *a = skapaEventArg(Add);

    Note the * in the first line, and the lack of it in the second line.