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advantages in specifying HASH JOIN over just doing a JOIN?

What are the advantages, if any, of explicitly doing a HASH JOIN over a regular JOIN (wherein SQL Server will decide the best JOIN strategy)? Eg:

select pd.*
from profiledata pd
inner hash join profiledatavalue val on

In the simplistic sample code above, I'm specifying the JOIN strategy, whereas if I leave off the "hash" key word SQL Server will do a MERGE JOIN behind the scenes (per the "actual execution plan").


  • The optmiser does a good enough job for everyday use. However, in theory it might need 3 weeks to find the perfect plan in the extreme, so there is a chance that the generated plan will not be ideal.

    I'd leave it alone unless you have a very complex query or huge amounts of data where it simply can't produce a good plan. Then I'd consider it.

    But over time, as data changes/grows or indexes change etc, your JOIN hint will becomes obsolete and prevents an optimal plan. A JOIN hint can only optimise for that single query at the time of development with that set of data you have.

    Personally, I've never specified a JOIN hint in any production code.

    I've normally solved a bad join by changing my query around, adding/changing an index or breaking it up (eg load a temp table first). Or my query was just wrong, or I had an implicit data type conversion, or it highlighted a flaw in my schema etc.

    I've seen other developers use them but only where they had complex views nested upon complex views and they caused later problems when they refactored.


    I had a conversion today where some colleagues are going to use them to force a bad query plan (with NOLOCK and MAXDOP 1) to "encourage" migration away from legacy complex nested views that one of their downstream system calls directly.