I use latex to write up homework assignments. I need to include both charts and R code with my assignment. Sweave has worked well for me so far, but I'd like to simplify common code blocks like this...
<<label=sol1, include=FALSE>>=
(Where rcode is just a custom float...the code goes at end of document, the chart is stationary.)
So something like this...
where \chart is defined by
<<label=#1, include=FALSE>>=
Sadly, it appears that sweave gets to the source code before latex processes \newcommand, and so this approach doesn't work. Is there a way to tweak how the source is processed so that the macros are dealt with before sweave sees the source? Or is there a better approach to this kind of problem?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions..
I hope the following is about what you wanted to solve the hen/egg problem. I have stolen it from my own post on the R-list
% ----------------------------------
\documentclass{article} %
\subsection{Patient #1} For patient #1, the mean value of systolic pressure was #2~mmHg, the diastolic pressure was #3~mmHg.
\caption{Histogram of systolic blood pressure for patient #1.}%
\clearpage % Better use FloatBarrier here
\section{Blood Pressure}
dt = data.frame(
# could also use tapply here
for (i in 1:3) {
dt1 = dt[dt$subj==i,]
hist(dt1$syst,main="",xlab="Blood pressure")
dev.off() }