I am trying to upload my app on appstore. Whenever I submit the app successfully,it shows Invalid binary in iTunes connect.
I tried various ways suggested to avoid this error in the other posts.
like I checked all icon images.
I created entire app again.
Revoked and recreated certificates and provisioning profiles.
Still its giving me same error. it does not give any error while building app or while submitting app. only after submitting it shows invalid binary. can any one help me in this?
does creating new id at iTunes connect will work? but i do not want to change the name of the app. whenever i try to delete app from iTunes connect it gives me warning that this app name can not be used in future for any application.
Finally it worked!
I revoked all certificates, and created new. then Recreated new app id and provisioning. created new app id in iTunes store and uploaded application. and now it is showing me Waiting for Review status.