I am getting this error
Thread [TimerDemo(185)id=307040256] (Suspended (exception ClassCastException))
UiApplication.getUiApplication() line: 462
TimerDemoTask$1.run() line: 18
BackGroundProcess(Application).dispatchInvokeLater(Runnable, Object, int) line: 1456
BackGroundProcess(Application).doProcessNextMessage(Message) line: 2088
BackGroundProcess(Application).processNextMessage(Message) line: 1530
BackGroundProcess(Application).enterEventDispatcher() line: 1371
TimerDemo.main(String[]) line: 15
when I am trying to call a popUpScreen() using,
UiApplication.getUiApplication()).pushGlobalScreen(new PanicPopUP(), 0, 0)//Defined in TimerDemoTask class.
BackGroundProcess class which extends Application calls TimerDemoTask class which invokes popUpScreen() as above. I tried to cast Application and UiApplication in this way
((UiApplication)Application.getApplication()).pushGlobalScreen(new TimerDemoPopupScreen(),0,0);
but still getting the same exception.Any idea how to impelement this.
Try like this in your Timertask demo class.. i think you are not getting the eventlock
synchronized (getEventLock()) {
//with this UiEngine pushGlobal dialogs
//whenever with the app in background
UiEngine ui = Ui.getUiEngine();
ui.pushGlobalScreen(new TimerDemo(), 1, UiEngine.GLOBAL_QUEUE);
like this and see if it solved your issue ....