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How to modify OUTPUT font type?

Is it possible to change the OUTPUT font type instead of the default one? How?

This is my default stylesheet:



  • The problem lies in StandardForm not respecting the FontFamily option, although it does seem to respect most other font options. Sjoerd's answer used TraditionalForm output and thus worked. You can see this problem if you run

    SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions -> Notebook[{
        Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]],
         FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0, .5], FontSize -> 14, 
         FontFamily -> "Symbol", FontWeight -> "Bold"]}]]

    Then compare

    {1 + 1, "abc", Sin[x]} (* This is by default in StandardForm *)
    {1 + 1, "abc", Sin[x]} // StandardForm
    {1 + 1, "abc", Sin[x]} // OutputForm
    {1 + 1, "abc", Sin[x]} // TraditionalForm

    output from above

    You can also look at

    Dynamic[CurrentValue/@{FontFamily, FontWeight, FontSize}]
    Dynamic[CurrentValue/@{FontFamily, FontWeight, FontSize}] // TraditionalForm

    output from above

    which shows that the CurrentValue of FontFamily "seen" in the output depends on the output format.

    Unfortunately, I don't see how to get around this issue...