How can I create KML files from the XML files using python. I have a lot of XML files. I have already parsed the data from the XML files using the SAX parser.
Now I want to create KML files from the data that I have parsed.
Is there any other way apart from xml.dom.minidom
to write the KML file.
I am currently thinking of creating a template KML file. Then copying the template KML file and filling the 'data' in it.
Can anybody suggest a better way ?
My main concern is Maintainability (writing the data using minidom is pretty confusing for somebody to read).
Try xml.etree.ElementTree. Here's a short example creating a couple of points in a KML file:
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
class Kml(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = et.Element('kml')
self.doc = et.SubElement(self.root,'Document')
def add_placemark(self,name,desc,lat,long,alt):
pm = et.SubElement(self.doc,'Placemark')
et.SubElement(pm,'name').text = name
et.SubElement(pm,'description').text = desc
pt = et.SubElement(pm,'Point')
et.SubElement(pt,'coordinates').text = '{},{},{}'.format(lat,long,alt)
def write(self,filename):
tree = et.ElementTree(self.root)
kml = Kml()