Just a quick question. I want to bundle a JRE with my Java application using launch4j, but so far it is seeming that I need to bundle the application on a 64 bit machine and a 32 bit machine for some reason, as when I bundle the application as a .exe on my 64 bit machine I receive a bundled JRE error on my 32 bit machine, and vice versa. I just wondered if this was correct because I thought that a 32 bit application would still run on a 64 bit machine...
Also, I haven't tested yet and I am a newbie to OS X but does the same apply for Mac?
PS I'm bundling the JRE inside the JDK if that makes any difference
Sorry everyone, I've just realised that bundling only means that the EXE will look for the JRE in the path you defined, rather than actually packaging the JRE inside of the EXE (which I thought was the case)! Therefore, my problem was (probably) nothing to do with CPU architecture, but because I didn't copy the folder with the JRE in when I was testing. Opps! In case you wanted to know, I now just plan to add the facility to automatically download Java in the installer if it is not present on the machine.
Traditionally you don't bundle the JRE for just this reason.
Also because you'll end up downgrading people's JRE install in the future.