In MATLAB I would like to keep a list of polylines - containing vertices (x,y) - in a container and I thought the best idea is to use cell arrays for this task. Each line would be represented in a row in a cell array, with vertices (x,y) being the elements of the cells. The different lines would be of different length, that's why I thought it would be a good idea to use cell arrays.
My problem however is that I don't know how can I append to the first non-empty element of each row in a cell-array?
Here is an example:
cell{1,1} = 1
cell{2,1} = 2
cell{3,1} = 3
cell{2,2} = 4
cell{2,3} = 5
cell =
[1] [] []
[2] [4] [5]
[3] [] []
For example now I want to append a new element to the end of row 1, and another one to row 2. How do I know what is the first position where I can append a new element?
Or shell I use cell arrays inside cell arrays for this task?
How would you implement a container for a list of polylines MATLAB?
This is a bad way to store your data, for the very problems you're encountering. A couple notes:
There are 2 good ways to store all this information.
Cell array: Like Clement pointed out, this is nice and simple, and will let you stack different points in the same polyline along a second dimension.
celldata = {[] [4 5] []};
celldata{2} = [celldata{2}; 1 1];
celldata{3} = [0.5 0.5];
>> celldata
celldata =
[] [2x2 double] [1x2 double]
Structure array: This is a nice way to go if you want to store polyline-level metadata along with your points.
strucdata = struct('points', {[] [4 5] []}, 'info', {'blah', 'blah', 'blah'});
strucdata(2).points = [strucdata(2).points; 1 1];
strucdata(3).points = [0.5 0.5];
>> strucdata
strucdata =
1x3 struct array with fields:
>> strucdata(2)
ans =
points: [2x2 double]
info: 'blah'