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Why can't I set a referencing outlet for my NSTextView in XCode 4?

I'm making a simple dialog in XCode 4 using the Interface Builder. I have three NSButtons, all of which are hooked up to their relevant IBOutlets. However I have an NSTextView, which I'd also like to hook up. I have the declaration for it in MyDialog.h:

@interface MyDialog : NibLoaderOC {
  IBOutlet NSTextView* tv;
  IBOutlet NSButton* acceptButton;
  IBOutlet NSButton* editButton;
  IBOutlet NSButton* rejectButton;

But when I drag the 'New Referencing Outlet' line over tv, it won't highlight. If I try and make a new outlet, it says:

Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find any information for the class named MyDialog

I have tried restarting XCode, this does nothing. What am I doing wrong?


  • Although I'd still be interested in a proper solution, I fixed this by just manually editing the xib code to create the link.

    This has the unfortunate side-effect of Interface Editor refusing to play nicely with the file (although all my manual edits were correct, and the code compiles and runs perfectly).