I'm building a Facebook client in actionscript, and I'm running into a problem. I have this block of code:
var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(event.target);
var feedResponse:String = (event.target.data);
var object:Object = JSON.decode(feedResponse); //getting the data
var friendsStatus:Array = new Array(); //array for status'
var friendsName:Array = new Array(); //array for names
var startX:int = 120;
var startY:int = 100;
var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.size = 16;
var statusMessage:TextField = new TextField();
statusMessage.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
statusMessage.wordWrap = true;
statusMessage.width = 600;
var faceFriend:TextField = new TextField();
faceFriend.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
faceFriend.wordWrap = true;
faceFriend.width = 300;
for(var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
if(object.data[i].message == undefined){
var userStory:String = object.data[i].story; // mowing through the facebook JSON response
friendsStatus[i] = userStory;
} else {
var userStatus:String = object.data[i].message;
friendsStatus[i] = userStatus;
var fName:String = object.data[i].from.name;
friendsName[i] = fName;
for(var j:int; j < 10; j++) // The headache loop
faceFriend.x = startX;
faceFriend.y = startY;
faceFriend.text = friendsName[j]; //assign the current name to the TextField text property
addChild(faceFriend); //add it to the stage
startY += 30; //increase the y value so they dont overlap
statusMessage.x = startX;
statusMessage.y = startY;
statusMessage.text = friendsStatus[j]; //same here for the status'
startY += 20;
which is supposed to loop through a set of status', assign them to variables and add them to the stage. However, all I achieve is the very last status being added to the stage. As you can see from all the traces, I have discovered that all the arrays have the correct information, and the y value (so its not all on top of each other) is progressing correctly. It just refuses to let anything but the final TextField be visible :(
Any ideas?
P.S. I realise it's not exactly brilliant code - sorry for the headache in advance :P
You need to create
var faceFriend:textField inside the loop.
What you are currently doing is creating one text field and manipulating it over and over again. Which is causing a problem. This code will generate 10 fields and align them horizontally.
var faceFriend:TextField;
for(var i:uint;i<10;i++)
faceFriend = new TextField();
faceFriend.x = i*20;
whereas this code will generate one field manipulate it 10 times and show you one field , which is essentially what you are doing.
var facefriend:TextField = new TextField();
for(var i:uint;i<10;i++)
faceFriend.x = i*20;