Search code examples

Using Perl on Windows, how can I ensure I get the path in the correct case following a chdir?

Consider the following code:

print cwd . "\n";
$str= "../source"; # note the lower case 's'    
print cwd . "\n";

If my current directory is c:\parentdir\Source (note the capital 'S'), the output of this will be:


This causes problems in a subroutine of mine that cares about the correct case of folder names. $str is passed in to my subroutine, so I can't know ahead of time whether it has the correct case. How do I determine the case-correct name of a path that matches $str?

More detail here:

  • I realize that ../source is a pathological example, but it serves to illustrate the problem. It occurs even if $str is requesting a folder other than the current one.
  • I have tried numerous options, including rel2abs, a glob search on $str, and others, but they all seem to return "source" instead of "Source".
  • I could search $str/.. for all directories, convert them all to absolute paths and compare them to an absolute path version of $str, but that seems like a hack. I was hoping for something more elegant.


  • #!/usr/bin/perl
    use warnings; use strict;
    use Cwd;
    use File::Spec::Functions qw( canonpath );
    use Win32;
    print canonpath( cwd ), "\n";
    chdir '../source';
    print canonpath( cwd ), "\n";
    print canonpath( Win32::GetLongPathName( cwd ) ), "\n";
    C:\DOCUME~1\...\LOCALS~1\Temp\t\Source> t
    C:\Documents and Settings\...\Local Settings\Temp\t\Source