Is there a way to specify the installation directory for an iOS app? Apps should be installed in /var/mobile/Applications/app_directory so how and where can I specify this app_directory?
I believe it should be in the info-plist but I can't find anything in the documentation.
To be clear, I would of course like to define this at compile/package-time, I do not want the user to select the directory at install-time which is obviously not an option.
I agree with Hollance, you can not change the directory. This is happening because each app will run in his own sandbox folder and have no access to other applications folders.
From apple: "Sandboxing—All iOS apps are placed in sandboxes to protect the system and other apps. The structure of the sandbox affects the placement of your app’s files and has implications for data backups and some app-related features."
App folder names are actual UID names (not the actual app name).
You can read about this in the iPhone App Programming Guide under "The Application Sandbox".