I wrote a class to authenticate a user using HTTP Authentication the Digest way. I read a few articles and I got it working. Now, I would like to let it make use of Md5 passwords, but I can't seem to get it working, this is the function authenticating the users.
public function authenticate() {
// In case the user is not logged in already.
if (empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) {
// Return the headers.
} else {
// Parse the given Digest-data.
$data = $this->parse_request($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']);
// Check the data.
if (!$data) {
// Display an error message.
} else {
// Based on the given information, generate the valid response.
$usr_password = "test";
// Generate the response partly.
$A1 = md5($data['username'].":".$this->get_realm().":".$usr_password);
$A2 = md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].":".$data['uri']);
// Generate the valid response.
$val_response = md5($A1.":".$data['nonce'].":".$data['nc'].":".$data['cnonce'].":".$data['qop'].":".$A2);
// Compare the valid response with the given response.
if ($data['response'] != $val_response) {
// Display the login again.
} else {
// Return true.
return true;
So imagine the $usr_password="test" will be $usr_password=md5("test");
How do I compare passwords then?
The MD5 function is hashing function, one-directional method to produce the same result for the same input.
Thus, to compare $password1
to $password2
without revealing (comparing directly) both of them it should be enough to compare their hashes:
$hash1 = md5($password1); // hash for pass 1
$hash2 = md5($password2); // hash for pass 2
if ($hash1 === $hash2) {
// here goes the code to support case of passwords being identical
} else {
// here goes the code to support case of passwords not being identical
Is it clear enough? Let me know.