I have the following code in my models.py file and I'm wondering how it's used in the urls.py/rest of the django framework. What benefits does it give me?
def get_absolute_url(self):
return('catalog_category',(), {'category_slug':self.slug})
How do I use this method?
This can be used to return a url with your current object. If you have a model and url associated with your @models.permalink.
An example may be something like this
{% for offer in offers %}
In the urls.py file look at your related_names there should be one in related to .get_absolute_url function.
However, if you have return multiple urls using the same models, but are on different views .get_absolute_url can still be used. just in a different syntax such as {% url url_related_name id=id %}
id would be in your instance you'd want slug=offer.slug