One of my favorite Bash tips involves creating aliases for marking and returning to directories as described here:
In Bash, it looks like this:
alias m1='alias g1="cd `pwd`"'
Is it possible to create a similar function in powershell?
You can add the following to the $profile
$marks = @{};
$marksPath = Join-Path (split-path -parent $profile) .bookmarks
if(test-path $marksPath){
import-csv $marksPath | %{$marks[$_.key]=$_.value}
function m($number){
$marks["$number"] = (pwd).path
function g($number){
cd $marks["$number"]
function mdump{
$marks.getenumerator() | export-csv $marksPath -notype
function lma{
I didn't like the way of defining an alias for each like m1
, m2
and so on. Instead you will be doing m 1
and g 1
You can also add the line
Register-EngineEvent PowerShell.Exiting –Action { mdump } | out-null
so that it will do mdump
when you exit the Powershell session. Unfortunately, doesn't work if you close the console window, but when you type exit.
PS: Also have a look at CDPATH: CDPATH functionality in Powershell?