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Making an unsigned sis - error: No rule to make target `unsigned_sis'. Stop

I'm trying to make an unsigned sis package of my application, however I get the aforementioned error from QtCreator.

What am I doing wrong?

Best regards


  • I've got the same problem with Qt 4.6.3. Qt 4.7.3 creates unsigned .sis files without any issues, but 4.6.x doesn't. If the version of Qt isn't important for you, upgrade to 4.7. I'm looking for another way to solve this, because I want to support old devices that don't work with Qt 4.7

    UPD: I found two ways to create unsigned sis:

    1. Create a signed sis file with QtCreator and remove signature with Syscontents tool
    2. Copy template .pkg, edit it a bit and create sis with makesis commandline tool.

    I used the second way, because I use localized installation file. Localized installations work bad in Qt 4.6.3 out of box, so I had to create custom .pkg file