I have VisualSVN client integrated in my Visual Studio and I want to commit modified files. The problem is when I right-click on the solution file item in the solution explorer and choose 'Commit', VisualSVN is trying to commit all modified files in my trunk. This is the same problem if I choose 'Commit' from the VisualSVN menu item.
Is it possible to just show the modified files linked with my solution and not all the trunk files?
I know that with AnkhSVN, this works perfectly but I think I missed something with VisualSVN client.
Use VisualSvn menu or context menu in Solution Explorer and choose "Show Changes". It could also be that you have fiddled with the VisualSvn->"Set Working Copy Root" option. Set it back to automatic mode if possible.
As VisualSvn uses TortoiseSvn in the background, it works only with folders so if there is a modified file in the folder not belonging to the solution side by side with a modified file belonging to the solution you will see both files.