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Display the URL after the link?

I use LaTeX with the hyperref package and I have things like:

hyperref is 
\href{}{documented in detail}. 
It allows...

In the PDF output, it shows:

hyperref is documented in detail. It allows...

The link works but the URL is not displayed which is a big problem when printing the file. I do not find an option to change that in the documentation.

Some of the hyperref files I work with are not generated by hand but by dblatex so changing every \href{...} is probably not an option.

For the hyperref side, see Will Robertson's solution. For dblatex, I wrote a customization script, by copying the XSL templates for <ulink> and similar elements and then producing a different LaTeX code. It is no longer necessary since the release of dblatex 0.2.10 which has the necessary option.


  • I suggest adding a switch in your preamble when generating "print-ready" versions of the output.

    For example, (untested)


    Of course, you'll still need to generate two versions of the document, one for print and one for screen. But I'm not sure if you were expecting anything different :)