I am having trouble connecting my project repository to Xcode, ever since I've upgraded to 4.2. I have a local server with a forwarded port to be accessed from outside the local network. I have a DNS record pointing to the external ip. When I explicitly define the external ip (i.e https://123.456.789.000/svn/...) the repository is properly linked, no problems. This also works when I specify the internal address. The issue is when I use the repository dns - Xcode shows a red dot with "Host Unreachable". I am sure this is an Xcode 4.2 specific issue, because I tried this in other clients, including older Xcode versions. The basic problem is - the external DNS doesn't work with https.
Any ideas?
I had issues similar to yours, I suggest you try:
The issue with xcode and accessing svn servers which have HTTPS certificates which fail any of the checks (be it host matching, self signed etc..). Opening the addresses in safari and adding as trusted solves this problem!