I use WSPBuilder to create WSP-Files from my Sharepoint projects. Some of them contain Files in special folders like "Layouts" that need to be deployed.
When I use VS2010's ability to create a wsp-File using the "deploy" command, the wsp contains a manifest.xml like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Solution xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/" SolutionId="2d5da9c1-0fe4-4ff8-9f4d-c025cf9bc2c1" SharePointProductVersion="14.0">
<Assembly Location="Tools.dll" DeploymentTarget="GlobalAssemblyCache" />
<TemplateFile Location="Layouts\GetThumbnail.aspx" />
But when I use WSPBuilder the <TemplateFiles>
section is completely missing. That is how I call WSPBuilder:
WspBuilder. tools.csprog -buildSafeControls false
Any idea how to get those templatefiles into the manifest.xml wit WSPBuilder?
You should not use the old WSPBuilder tool to build SharePoint 2010 packages. Use either Visual Studio or MSBuild if you need automate the process:
set msbuild="C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe"
set config=Debug
set outdir="C:\out\"
%msbuild% /p:Configuration=%config% /m ../My.SharePoint.Project/My.SharePoint.Projectcsproj /t:Package /p:BasePackagePath=%outdir%
More information: How can I build a SharePoint 2010 package using command line?