Search code examples

Find the second highest salary

Well it is a well known question. Consider the below

EmployeeID  EmployeeName    Department      Salary   
----------- --------------- --------------- ---------
1           T Cook          Finance         40000.00
2           D Michael       Finance         25000.00
3           A Smith         Finance         25000.00
4           D Adams         Finance         15000.00
5           M Williams      IT              80000.00
6           D Jones         IT              40000.00
7           J Miller        IT              50000.00
8           L Lewis         IT              50000.00
9           A Anderson      Back-Office     25000.00
10          S Martin        Back-Office     15000.00
11          J Garcia        Back-Office     15000.00
12          T Clerk         Back-Office     10000.00

We need to find out the second highest salary

With Cte As
 From plc2_employees
 Where level = 2
 Connect By Prior (Salary) > Salary)
Group By level,Department

From plc2_employees e1
Inner Join Cte e2 On e1.Department = e2.Department
Order By 
    , e1.Salary desc

is somehow not working... I am not getting the correct result. Could anyone please help me out.


  • If you're going to teach yourself how to deal with CONNECT BY, you should first find a problem that is suited to the construct. CONNECT BY is meant for processing data that's in a hierarchical form, which your example is not. Salaries are not related to each other in a hierarchical fashion. Trying to force-fit a construct on the wrong problem is frustrating and doesn't really teach you anything.

    Take a look at the classic employee-manager relationship in the demo HR schema you can install with Oracle. All employees report to a manager, including managers (except the top guy). You can then use this schema to create a query to show, for example, the Organization Chart for the company.