I must configure CKEditor to add a class-attribute to every p-tag in the content. You can do something similar with config.format_p but it will only apply the class-attribute to text that is marked as "normal" which is not default.
I'm using the current version 3.6.2. Here are the relevant parts of my config:
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
config.removeFormatTags = 'b,div,big,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,ins,kbd,q,samp,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,tt,u,var,form,input,textarea';
config.format_p =
element: 'p',
'class': 'tiny_p'
config.skin = "office2003";
config.entities_processNumerical = true;
The config.format_p
option only takes effect when user chooses "normal" from format-menu and config.removeFormatTags
only works when user manually clicks the clean-button. Both should work automatically like it does in TinyMCE.
You can add html processor filter
elements :{
p : function( element ){
if ( element.className.indexOf("thiny_p") < 0){
element.className += 'thiny_p';
Also, if it is not required to be created as ckedito plugin maybe before you send content to server you can use jQuery to change content
$("iframe", "#cke_editor1").contents().find("p").addClass("tiny_p");
or, if textarea (source) is active
var editor= $("textarea", "#cke_editor1");
editor.val(editor.val().replace(/<p>/gi, "<p class='thiny_p'>"))
you should tweak a bit .replace(/<p>/gi, "<p class='thiny_p'>")
regular expression to support other cases.
Finally got time to download and setup editor on my box, here is working plugin
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'customparagraph',
init: function( editor )
exec : function( editor ){
var ps = editor.document.$.getElementsByTagName("p");
for (var i=0; i < ps.length; i++){
if(ps[i].className.indexOf("thiny_p") < 0){
ps[i].className += "thiny_p";
editor.ui.addButton( 'ThinyP',{
label: 'Appends thiny_p class',
command: 'addParagraphClassName',
icon: this.path + 'images/icon.gif'
} );
put it in plugins/customparagraph/plugin.js
also create icon image plugins/customparagraph/images/icon.gif
in configuration you will have to add following configuration options config.js of you CKEdito installation
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
config.extraPlugins = "customparagraph";
config.toolbar = [ [ 'ThinyP' ] ]; // add other toolbars and keep in mid this can be overwritten in page which loads CKEditor
in page which loads CKEditor
<script type="text/javascript">
// Replace the <textarea id="editor1"> with a CKEditor
// instance, using default configuration.
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1',
extraPlugins : 'customparagraph',
toolbar :
[ 'Bold', 'Italic', '-', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Link', 'Unlink' ],
[ 'ThinyP' ]
User will have to click on toolbar button before save