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Codeigniter - client posted links with capital letters in URL

my client has printed links to the site in capital letters. I have a CI install and need to change htaccess or the base controller (I'm trying lots of options at the mo) to work like these examples (it a user types this into their address bar): -> ->

http://WWW.Site.CoM/happy/chappY ->

and so on... I can't seem to get htaccess to simply say 'take everything in, turn it to lower case then process it'

is this even possible..?


  • Yes you can convert input to small letters as soon as text has been entered. You can do it with javascript. refer below code snipe for it.

    function makeLowercase() {
    document.form1.outstring.value = document.form1.instring.value.toLowerCase();
    <input name="outstring" type="text" value="" size="30" onkeyup="makeLowercase();" onblur="makeLowercase();">

    OR you can use strtolower() function in PHP to covert data in to lower case and process it.