I'm trying to use &levelClass parametr of Wayfinder snippet of Modx. But it doesnt work. I have menu that contains of 3-4 levels, and each level has own class (like first level is "lvl1", second is "lvl2" and so on), and because of that I want to use levelClass, which promise to increment number of my class by 1 each new level. Thats how I'm trying to call it:
[!Wayfinder? &startId=2 &rowTpl=lfRow &outerTpl=lfOuter &levelClass=lvl!]
But Wayfinder doesn't change class and doesn't join CSS also. And I using Modx Evolution. Have you any ideas?
Assuming levelClass
is available in the Evolution version of Wayfinder...
Since you're using custom templates, you'll need to manually add the wf.classes
placeholder in your chunk, eg
<!-- lfRow chunk -->
<li[+wf.id+][+wf.classes+]> ...