I am looking for help to fix a problem to appeared when migrating from JBoss4 to JBoss5. There seems to be an issue with Hibernate support for VFS (introduced in JBoss5).
For modularity reason, multiple artifacts have persistence unit (pu) declaration. During deployment, all of them are merged into a single declaration similar to
Processing PersistenceUnitInfo [
name: pu
persistence provider classname: null
classloader: org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.WebCtxLoader$ENCLoader@7a74fa
Temporary classloader: org.springframework.instrument.classloading.SimpleThrowawayClassLoader@432f0a33
excludeUnlistedClasses: false
JTA datasource: com.xyz.jdbc.datasource.DelegatingDataSource@4546bcba
Non JTA datasource: com.xyz.jdbc.datasource.DelegatingDataSource@4546bcba
Transaction type: JTA
PU root URL: vfszip:/<path>/<jar>/
Jar files URLs [
vfsfile:/<path>/<exploded jar>/
vfsfile:/<path>/<exploded jar>/
vfsfile:/<path>/<exploded jar>/
Managed classes names []
Mapping files names []
Properties []
When enabling debug we can see that exploded jar are not scanned for annotation
[org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.AbstractJarVisitor] Searching mapped entities in jar/par: vfsfile:/<path>/<exploded jar>/
[org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.AbstractJarVisitor] Searching mapped entities in jar/par: vfsfile:/<path>/<exploded jar>/
Whereas compact JAR as scanned as expected
[org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.AbstractJarVisitor] Searching mapped entities in jar/par: vfszip:/<path>/<jar>/
[org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.AbstractJarVisitor] Filtering: com.xyz.batch.configuration.internal.impl.JobMetadataDocumentImpl$1$JobList
Resulting in QuerySyntaxException for query on Entities that were not found
org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: <EntityName> is not mapped
According to Red Hat support it is not possible to use scanning with exploded JARs. Two solutions are available: