I am trying to install the aggdraw python library to create high quality graphics but I keep getting this error:
agg22/include/agg_array.h: In member function `agg::int8u*
What is the workaround for this? How can I install it?
You should follow the instructions in http://www.pocketuniverse.ca/archive/2008/december/11/pil-and-aggdraw/ to patch AGG rather than just have the compiler allow the 64-bit incompatible code to compile.
Here's one way you could do it in the shell:
cd /tmp
svn co http://svn.effbot.org/public/tags/aggdraw-1.2a3-20060212
cd aggdraw-1.2a3-20060212
patch -p0 <<EOF
Index: agg2/include/agg_array.h
--- agg2/include/agg_array.h (revision 532)
+++ agg2/include/agg_array.h (working copy)
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
int8u* ptr = m_buf_ptr;
if(alignment > 1)
- unsigned align = (alignment - unsigned(ptr) % alignment) % alignment;
+ unsigned align = (alignment - (unsigned long)(ptr) % alignment) % alignment;
size += align;
ptr += align;
if(size <= m_rest)
python setup.py build_ext -i
python selftest.py
sudo python setup.py install