Why does 4 < '3'
return True
in Python 2?
Is it because when I place single quotes around a number Python sees it as a string and strings are bigger than numbers?
Yes, any number will be less than any string (including the empty string) in Python 2.
In Python 3, you can't make arbitrary comparisons. You'll get a TypeError
From the link in eryksun's comment:
if (PyNumber_Check(v))
vname = "";
vname = v->ob_type->tp_name;
if (PyNumber_Check(w))
wname = "";
wname = w->ob_type->tp_name;
c = strcmp(vname, wname);
So at least in recent versions of CPython 2.x, type names are compared, with an empty string used instead of the type name for any numeric type.