So I'm learning about inheritance in my c++ class now and trying to put all the terminology to light. I understand the difference between protected and private. But when you make a function a friend isn't that the same thing as making it public?
The examples they are using to teach inheritance is shapes, so:
class shape{
struct circle
struct rectangle
struct line
Something like that, what is the difference between saying
class circle: shape
class circle: public shape
class circle: private shape (don't actually know if this one is possible)
And finally, what does the keyword virtual mean/do/used for? Thank you
First and foremost you should pick up a good C++ book and read the concepts:
The Definitive C++ book and guide list
To get you started little brief about your Questions:
Your first example is an example of Composition not Inheritance.
Inheritance is IS A relationship.
Composition is HAS A relationship.
In the example, Circle
IS A type of Shape
class circle: shape
is same as:
class circle: private shape
For a class, Default Access specifier is Private
by default. This is Private Inheritance. Class circle
privately derives from class shape
In Private Inheritance all the public and protected members of the Base class become Private members of the Derived class.
class circle: public shape
Is Public Inheritance, Class circle
publically derives from class shape
In Public Inheritance the public members of Base class become Public members of Derived class and protected members of the Base class become Protected members of the Derived class.
This C++-Faq should be a good read for understanding the basics:
What are access specifiers? Should I inherit with private, protected or public?
But when you make a function a friend isn't that the same thing as making it public?
When you make a function as friend
of an class, Access specifiers no longer apply to that function. That function can access, protected
as well as private
members of that class.But this is only limited to that function.
what does the keyword virtual
mean/do/used for?
The keyword virtual
is used to implement Dynamic/Run-Time Polymorphism.
It is an broad term to be explained as such, So it is upmost important that you read and understand the concept from an book. If you still face problems in understanding anything specific about it,Come back here and feel free to ask an Specific Question here.