I am using aurigma a commercial multi file uploader and cropper.
I am tring to upload images of various aspect ratios and sizes.
I want them to fit into boxes that are 140*140 pixels.
If the height is the smallest attribut of the image I want that to be 140 pixels or vice versa on the width.
Overlap are allowed.
I have looked through the official site and documentation but cannot understand how to do this.
To clarify if an image is 100 * 50 pixels I want it resized to 210 * 140 or an image that is 50*100 should be 140 * 210.
I haven't uploaded any code as the code I have used is available on the main site and I have added nothing specific.
Did you try to use OrientationalFit?
It works like a Fit mode but with correction on thumbnail orientation.
id: 'Uploader1',
converters: [
{ mode: '*.*=Thumbnail', thumbnailFitMode: 'OrientationalFit',
thumbnailWidth: 210, thumbnailHeight: 140,
thumbnailJpegQuality: 80 }
3072 x 2304 => 187 x 140
2304 x 3072 => 140 x 187
And one more thing about you sample. Image Uploader cannot be used for upsizing, i.e. thumbnail cannot be larger than source image. This is by design.