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Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss

I spent 4 full days trying everything I can to figure out the memory leak in an app I'm developing, but things stopped making sense a long time ago.

The app I'm developing is of social nature, so think profile Activities (P) and list Activities with data - for example badges (B). You can hop from profile to a badge list to other profiles, to other lists, etc.

So imagine a flow like this P1 -> B1 -> P2 -> B2 -> P3 -> B3, etc. For consistency, I'm loading profiles and badges of the same user, so each P page is the same and so is each B page.

The general gist of the problem is: after navigating for a bit, depending on the size of each page, I get an out-of-memory exception in random places - Bitmaps, Strings, etc - it doesn't seem to be consistent.

After doing everything imaginable to figure out why I am running out of memory, I have come up with nothing. What I don't understand is why Android isn't killing P1, B1, etc if it runs out of memory upon loading and instead crashes. I would expect these earlier activities to die and be resurrected if I ever Back to them via onCreate() and onRestoreInstanceState().

Let alone this - even if I do P1 -> B1 -> Back -> B1 -> Back -> B1, I still get a crash. This indicates some sort of a memory leak, yet even after dumping hprof and using MAT and JProfiler, I can't pinpoint it.

I've disabled loading of images from the web (and increased the test data loaded to make up for it and make the test fair) and made sure the image cache uses SoftReferences. Android actually tries to free up the few SoftReferences it has, but right before it crashes out of memory.

Badge pages get data from the web, load it into an array of EntityData from a BaseAdapter and feed it to a ListView (I'm actually using CommonsWare's excellent MergeAdapter, but in this Badge activity, there is really only 1 adapter anyway, but I wanted to mention this fact either way).

I've gone through the code and was not able to find anything that would leak. I cleared and nulled everything I could find and even System.gc() left and right but still the app crashes.

I still don't understand why inactive activities that are on the stack don't get reaped, and I'd really love to figure that out.

At this point, I'm looking for any hints, advice, solutions... anything that could help.

Thank you.


  • One of the things that really helped the memory issue in my case ended up being setting inPurgeable to true for my Bitmaps. See Why would I ever NOT use BitmapFactory's inPurgeable option? and the answer's discussion for more info.

    Dianne Hackborn's answer and our subsequent discussion (also thanks, CommonsWare) helped clarify certain things I was confused about, so thank you for that.