I want to fill a concave polygon with a simple repeating pattern. I can already draw the polygon properly, unfortunately I am having problems with filling it. In OpenGL I could do this easily with POLYGON_STIPPLE. However this functionality is not available in OpenGL ES.
I figured that I probably need to use textures instead of stippling. However I cannot figure out how to calculate the correct texture coordinates as all the triangles are of completely different sizes, but I still want the pattern to fit well right next to each other.
Are there any good starting points that explain how to fill polygons with a repeating texture, where the polygon is a little more complex than one triangle or rectangle?
Calculating the texture coordinates is not as hard as I thought. Filling the polygon with a pattern can be done like this:
Set texture parameter so that texture repeats itself. This will have the effect, that for every coordinate bigger than 1 the texture will just repeat all over again.
Calculate texture coordinates. Each vertix coordinate c corresponds to a texture coordinate calculated like this: (c.x/texture.width, c.y/texture.height)