I am using facebox to get some information in a popup window.
I have got facebox.js and facebox.css file in my assets folder. I have included this code in my application.js file
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
I have link_to which looks like this <%=link_to "Create",new_activities_path, :rel => "facebox" %>
When I click on the create link I get a popup which is empty and does not render the form which is in the partial.
I am able to render this partial without facebox. I have been looking all over the net but it seems the documentation of facebox is not that good.
Can anyone guide me?
Was able to do it by tweaking the code little bit :-
now my link_to looks like this <%=link_to "Create",new_activity_path, :remote => true %>
I also have a new action in the controller and a corresponding new.js.erb file which has got the below mentioned code:-
$.facebox('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'new') %>')
the code in the application.js remains the same. I am able to render the partial in _new.html.erb in a nice popup.
Hope it will be useful to others as the documentation of facebox is very poor.