I am using Elixir for ORM but I have a problem trying to Order by a Relationship.
What I am trying to do is to get a list of users sorted by the number of posts they have. I have tried ways such as
without any success.
Here are my Elixir entities:
class User(Entity):
username = Field(Unicode(100))
posts = OneToMany('Post', inverse='user')
class Post(Entity):
content = Field(Unicode(20000))
user = ManyToOne('User')
this is a common question and an example query is in the ORM tutorial at: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/tutorial.html#using-subqueries . Just change where it says order_by(User.id) to say order_by(stmt.c.address_count):
>>> from sqlalchemy.sql import func
>>> stmt = session.query(Address.user_id, func.count('*').\
... label('address_count')).\
... group_by(Address.user_id).subquery()
>>> for u, count in session.query(User, stmt.c.address_count).\
... outerjoin(stmt, User.id==stmt.c.user_id).order_by(stmt.c.address_count):
... print u, count