Wondering if there is a reporting tool (such as PMD) which reports downcasting in Java code.
Catching all casts is easy with a custom PMD rule:
import net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractJavaRule;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.ASTCastExpression;
public class CastRule extends AbstractJavaRule {
public CastRule() {
public Object visit(final ASTCastExpression node, final Object data) {
addViolation(data, node);
return super.visit(node, data);
Unfortunately it catches upcasts too if they are explicit upcasts. Some example:
final Number myNumber = 5;
final Integer myInteger = (Integer) myNumber; // catched
final Number myNumber2 = (Number) myInteger; // catched
final Number myNumber3 = myInteger; // NOT catched
Catching only downcasts looks rather complicated with PMD.
Check this answer too, it contains some details about the usage.