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Convert TSQL to MS-Access SQL

TSQL (as used in MS SQL Server 2000 and 2005) allows multiple JOIN clauses, one right after the other, no commas or parentheses needed. Try this in Access and it throws a fit: "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ... "

From what I have been able to gather out in Google-land, Access SQL wants parentheses to group the JOIN clauses. Most advice on how to accomplish this is to use the design view or the query wizard, and let Access figure out where to put the parentheses (that are NOT required in standard SQL). Problem is, I am so used to doing my SQL in a text editor (Notepad, SSMS, VS2005, whatever) that the design view and the wizard get in the way and make my skin crawl. Sometimes the wizards make bad assumptions about what to join if there are multiple possibilities, and I'm so used to doing it myself in TSQL that I'd rather leave the wizards out of it.

Isn't there a tool that will convert TSQL into Access SQL, or at least a set of rules on where to put the parentheses?


FROM Participant PAR
    INNER JOIN Individual IND 
    INNER JOIN Ethnicity ETH 
        ON IND.EthnicityID = ETH.ID
    INNER JOIN Education EDU 
        ON IND.EducationID = EDU.ID
    INNER JOIN Marital MAR 
        ON IND.Marital = MAR.ID
    INNER JOIN Participant-Probation PXP 
        ON PAR.ID = PXP.ParticipantID
    INNER JOIN Probation PBN 
        ON PXP.ProbationID = PBN.ID
    INNER JOIN Class-Participant CXP 
        ON PAR.ID = CXP.ParticipantID
        ON CXP.ClassID = CLS.ID
    INNER JOIN Official OFR 
        ON PAR.ReferringPO = OFR.ID
    INNER JOIN Participant-Official PXO 
        ON PAR.ID = PXO.ParticipantID
    INNER JOIN Official OFA 
        ON PXO.OfficialID = OFA.ID


  • Yah, MS-Access is dumb.

    I don't think one exists (probably not a huge market either to go from MS-SQL/TSQL to MS-Access). Typically, I use the Design View which is not really a wizard as far as I'm concerned. I then manually add the tables, and then (if I haven't created a proper Relations ship diagram, or something is a little funky) manually create the relationships in the Designer. After that, I check the query in the SQL view and correct as need be.

    In the case of your example (as you indicated) you probably need the parenthesis, and will have to manually add them. You probably want something like this:

    SELECT ...
    FROM (((Participant PAR
        INNER JOIN Individual IND 
        INNER JOIN Ethnicity ETH 
            ON IND.EthnicityID = ETH.ID)
        INNER JOIN Education EDU 
            ON IND.EducationID = EDU.ID)
        INNER JOIN Marital MAR 
            ON IND.Marital = MAR.ID

    (if you have N inner joins, you will need N-1 open-parenthesis at the beginning, and one on ever end of the join; excluding the last one)