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maximum stage and sprite size?

I'm making an action game and I'd like to know what should be the maximum size of the stage (mine is 660 x 500).

Also I'd like to know how big a game-sprite should be. Currently my biggest sprites have a size of 128 x 128 and I read somewhere on the internet that you should not make it bigger because of performance issues.

If you want to make e.g. big explosions with shockwaves even 128 x 128 does not look very big. What's the maximum size I can definitely use for sprites? I cannot find any real solution about this so I appreciate every hint I can get because this topic makes me a little bit nervous.


  • If you're looking for hard numbers, Jason's answer is probably the best you're going to do. Unfortunately, I think the only way to get a real answer for your question is to build your game and do some performance testing. The file size and dimensions of your sprite maps are going to effect RAM/CPU usage, but how much is too much is going to depend on how many sprites are on the stage, how they are interacting, and what platform you're deploying to.

    A smaller stage will sometimes get you better performance (you'll tend to display fewer things), but what is more important is what you do with it. Also, a game with a stage larger than 800x600 may turn off potential sponsors (if you go that route with your game) because it won't fit on their portal site.

    Most of my sprite sheets use tiles less than 64x64 pixels, but I have successfully implemented a sprite with each tile as large as 491x510 pixels. It doesn't have a super-complex animation, but the game runs at 60fps.

    Bitmap caching is not necessarily the answer, but I found these resources to be highly informative when considering the impact of my graphics on performance. and a video demo:

    Also, as a general rule, build your game so that it works first, then worry about optimization. A profiler can help you spot memory leaks and CPU spikes. FlashDevelop has one built in, or there's often a console in packages like FlashPunk, or the good old fashioned Windows Task Manager can be enough.

    That might not be a concrete answer, but I hope it helps.